
Mandarin and English versions
自2016年以來,我旅行了1,118天,部分時間是步行,部分時間是騎自行車從台灣出發,穿越中國。 經過數百個晝夜的訪問到達了意大利,羅馬內的梵蒂岡城。 我以普通遊客的身份走進聖彼得大教堂。 這是一個承諾,這是我已故女友的夢想。 我終於把她帶到了那裡。 或者她帶我去看世界。
梵蒂岡城過後,我繼續旅行,途經法國,西班牙..等等總共44個國家。 輪渡把我和我的自行車帶到另一個大陸,然後我到達了尼日利亞。 這不是最容易旅行的方式,但是我想用自己的腳環遊世界。
我為這次旅行設定了持續時間。 我想用10年的時間來體驗現實世界。 然後我要分享。 我想分享我遇到的那些事情,我聽到的聲音以及那些從我的眼睛溜走並佔據我的角落的場景。
當我踏入聖彼得大教堂時,此旅程的最初目標已經完成。 但這並不意味著旅程的結束,因為這段旅程告訴我,這個世界上有很多人需要別人的幫助。 我可能無力解決造成貧困,飢餓或疾病的那些問題。

我獨自旅行。 但是意識到自己的旅程停止後,我就必須停止做善事的舉動。 他們(需要幫助的人)和我在一起。 我希望世界通過我的眼睛看到它們。 如果可以的話,伸出援助之手。 我知道我不是唯一一個這樣做的人,但願意邀請你們成為其中一員,貢獻我自己的一生與你們一起做善事。
無論如何,我將繼續以自己的方式積極影響世界,繼續努力繼續往前走。 如果您願意支持這一旅程,我想帶著您的願望將它們帶到世界的每個地方。 即使很小,也有機會,我們可以共同使世界變得更美好。
如果您只想對我說幾句話,請跟隨FB IG YT …..的整個旅程。
Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/juitiwang
玉山銀行帳號:0820-979-011914 (銀行代號808)
I am Juiti Wang, an traveler.
Since 2016, I have been travelling for 1,118 days, partly by my foot, and partly by cycling. I departed from Taiwan, walked through China. After hundreds of days and nights, I arrived Italy, and then Vatican City in Rome. I walked into St. Peter’s Basilica as a normal tourist. It was a promise and it was a dream of my deceased girlfriend. I finally brought her to there. Or she brought me to see the world.
After Vatican City, I continued the journey, cycled via France, Spain. A ferry took me and my bicycle to another continent, then I arrived Nigeria. This is not the easiest for travelling, but I want to travel around the whole world with my own foot.
I set a duration for this journey. I want to use 10 years to experience the real world. And then I want to share. I want to share those things I encounter, those sounds I hear and those scenes that sneak through my eyes and occupy a corner in my mind.
The initial goal of this journey has be completed when I stepped in St. Peter’s Basilica. But this should not be the end of this journey, because this journey has taught me that many people in this world need a hand from others. I may be incapable of resolving those issues causing poverty, hunger or diseases.
But I believe that, by walking into the area where our fellows are suffering, by experiencing what they are experiencing, there may be a chance that my trip can arouse the attention of those who are capable of improving these situations.
I travelled alone at the beginning of this trip. But after realising that my journey may have a little chance to benefit those who I met, I stopped feeling so. They are with me. I want the world to see them via my eyes. Reach out a hand if they can. I know I am not the only one doing this, but I am willing to be one of them, with a portion of my life.
Over the past thousand days, I have received all sorts of supports from people around the world. Their supports have helped me complete the first chapter of this journey. These supports are indeed invaluable. However, with limited supports, it is difficult for this journey to be continued.
In any case, I will keep trying my best to continue the trip, using my own way to positively influence the world. If you are willing to support this journey, I would like bring your wishes with me carry them to every places of the world. There may be a chance, even if it is little, we may together make the world to be a better place.
If you are willing to financially support me, you can do so by following the information below.
If you just want to leave some words to me, please follow this journey by FB IG YT…..
Paypal : https://www.paypal.me/juitiwang